Caption #5


"remember back in college when you were sure physics would never be relevant in your life..."


Dan Layman said...

"Ahmed was very excited to receive the patent for his revolutionary Segway for donkeys."

Anonymous said...

an ominous omen for the democratic party in 2008 - too much baggage for one donkey...

teacherjra said...

Behold as Superdonkey prepares to take flight! He can carry the burdens of ten ordinary donkeys! Superdonkey, away!

James said...

Donkey: Hey, I wonder if I start to pee if I can hit this guy...

Jon said...

You nipped me one too many times, so now, Peppo, you need a Time Out.

BJ Buracker said...

Didn't they do this in Shrek?

Luke said...

"Can anybody give me a hoof with this? Anybody?"