Caption #3

"As she walked down her front steps, she thought to herself: I'm never using eHarmony again..."


Joshua Stockment said...

Some kid back in town traded the van for it straight up. I can get 70 miles to the gallon on this ho...cow

Dan Layman said...

"Bobby Joe arrives in Pamplona, Spain not quite understanding the tradition behind the annual Running of the Bulls."

Cindy said...

I thought the for sale ad said cow and hog $500 o.b.o, not Cow Hawg!

Jon said...

ok, this is awful, but I just couldn't stop myself...

FINALLY, a steer I can steer!

Anonymous said...

The only thing I ever wanted in life was a cow bike. Thanks rebate check.

BJ Buracker said...

Why a Mississippi branch of Choppers is a bad idea.

Stupid Scholar

Bill said...

Two words: